Is it all right to leave your fiberglass insulation exposed? In most cases, probably not. Experts recommend covering your fiberglass insulation, and here are four excellent reasons why.

1. Health Risks

Uncovered fiberglass insulation can break down over time, and the small particles that make up the material can end up contaminating the air in your home. If the insulation is ever disturbed, it can cause many health problems that are otherwise easily avoided.  Breathing in fiberglass particles can irritate your eyes, lungs, and skin. 

This health risk is probably the best reason you want to cover your fiberglass insulation.

2. Accidents

If your insulation is covered, the chances of you having an accident are slim. But without it, fiberglass insulation is much more accessible and easily moved. 

If children can access it, you could have a severe problem should they touch or possibly even eat the insulation. And while an adult might know better than to touch it, sometimes all it takes is one small slip or trip to cause another insulation accident.

3. Fire Risks

While the insulation isn’t flammable, most fiberglass has foil or paper that can easily catch fire. Because of this, fiberglass shouldn’t be left exposed without a special flame-resistant facing. Otherwise, it’s best to protect your home by using a thermal barrier.

4. Water Damage

Covering your insulation doesn’t just protect you; it can also protect your insulation. Fiberglass can degrade if it’s ever exposed to water, and covering it can help prevent that somewhat. 

You should investigate to see if you have a vapor barrier outside your home before you cover it, however, as covering the insulation with a vapor barrier could cause you to trap moisture in your walls.

Cover Your Fiberglass Insulation

Whether you’re looking out for your family or you’re getting ready to install insulation, choosing to cover your fiberglass insulation is always a great decision.