Attic installation is one of the most important elements in a home when it comes to keeping your house at a comfortable temperature and reducing heating and cooling costs. 

Modern attic insulation also helps prevent moisture and unwanted airflow from entering your home. However, not all attic insulation is created equally, and the thickness of attic insulation can make all the difference. 

Understanding Attic Insulation

Whether your attic is finished or unfinished, it is recommended to use insulation to protect against the outside elements. Attics are a huge source of outside drafts, and poorly insulated attics can lead to increased cooling and heating costs as well as unpredictable temperatures inside. 

For most homes, insulation installers recommend that insulation be 10 to 14 inches deep. However, a more precise way to measure the appropriate attic insulation is by R-value.

What Is R-Value?

R-value is a critical measure when it comes to insulation for your home. The R-value rating measures the insulation’s thermal resistance. A high R-value means that the material is well-equipped to resist the transfer of heat, meaning it can keep more heat in or out of your home. 

The suggested R-value for most homeowners is between 30 and 38. Many homeowners think that the higher the R-value is, the better, but that is not necessarily true. The R-value needs are different depending on what climate you live in. If you live in a warm climate, you will need a lower R-value than a homeowner in a cold climate. 

Types of Insulation

How thick your attic insulation needs to be is one important question, but another is what type of installation you should install. Read on to learn about the various types of attic insulation: 

Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation is a common insulation used in new construction. It is easy to install and is resistant to mold. In addition, it does not easily absorb moisture, so it is effective in keeping humidity out of homes. Finally, it is extremely durable and can easily last the lifetime of the home. 


Cellulose is growing in popularity among homeowners because it is made from recycled materials. It can also be combined with fiberglass for a flexible and full coverage material. While cellulose is an affordable solution, it is not as resistant to mold and mildew as other solutions.


Fiberglass insulation is one of the most cost-effective options for attic installation. It is quick and easy to install and can last many decades if it doesn’t get wet. 

Reflective Insulation

Reflective insulation is less common than other types because it is specifically designed for warm climates. It is most commonly installed on the ceiling of an attic and helps reduce heat transfer from intense sunlight. This type of insulation can make a significant difference in keeping a home cooler in a warm environment. 

How to Choose the Right Insulation for You

When it comes to knowing how thick your attic insulation should be and what type of insulation is right for your home, it is best to consult a professional. A trained insulation installer will be able to recommend an option that fits your needs as well as your budget.