While your doctor will always be your go-to expert on all things respiratory, you will likely find that your specialist points to your home’s environment as a first line of defense in mitigating many common conditions — from asthma to everyday allergies and more. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, avoiding triggers (such as pollen and dust mites) is an important part of treatment plans to avoid future episodes. Fortunately, Volusia and Flagler foam insulation contractors can help your family breathe a little easier. Literally.
Just read on to see a few of the key ways Attic Man can make your home the happy, healthy retreat you and your loved ones deserve.
Keeping Moisture At Bay
Not only are mold and mildew bad for your home, but they can also irritate your respiratory system — in fact, the American Lung Association says even mere dampness can cause problems like asthma episodes, coughing, congestion, and more. What can you do about it? Start from the top, literally! Spray foam insulation can help keep moisture out of the home, contributing to a healthier environment for everyone inside.
Making Your Home Less Susceptible To Weather Changes
According to the AAFA, even something as simple as changing weather can potentially trigger an asthma episode — ranging from high or low temps, to high humidity, to thunderstorms, and more. Because of Florida’s famously fickle tropical weather, those with respiratory conditions may find it especially useful to defend their home against the elements however possible. While spray foam insulation can’t change the weather outside, it can certainly lessen its impact on you inside — and that’s something to feel good about.
Preventing Unwanted Invaders
Pollen, insects, and other unwanted “invaders” are just a few of the potential allergens that new spray foam insulation can help keep out. After all, new insulation helps seal the good air in (and keeps the not-so-good air away), and that includes particles and debris that might otherwise be carried in to less-protected homes.
Breathing New Life Into Your Home
Sometimes, the source of the less-than-ideal air in your home might actually be your insulation! Old insulation, that is. A number of things can affect the health and function of your existing insulation — it can be compressed, or flattened, performing worse as a result; it can be damaged over time by pests; and it can simply become dirty and ineffective (causing your home’s HVAC system to work even harder, and costlier). The Attic Man team can help determine the health of your current insulation, and even conduct tests to gauge how air flows from your home — then, if needed, install new spray insulation that will make a powerful, positive change in your space.
Ready to transform your home and health for the better? Get in touch with your respiratory specialist, and then be sure to call Attic Man today! We look forward to working with you on a comprehensive plan that protects your one-of-a-kind home — and, more importantly, the people inside of it.